November Book Introduction - The Count of Monte Cristo
For November, I decided to dig up a book from my Sophomore honors English days and read the classic novel The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
I know there are a lot of people that do not like rereading books, and I can understand the sentiment. Why read something where you already know then ending? However, I think this is a book that merits being re-read. It has been 10 years since I read it the first time, and while I know how it ends I feel that there will be things that as a young high school student I missed before that now I will have the ability to not only understand these small details, but I will appreciate the part they play in the bigger picture as well.
Additionally, my book-related post this month is going to be tips for how to make reading a classical novel more enjoyable as well as more accessible for those who find reading these classics with dated language a daunting task.
I have already started reading this book, and I am already making so many connections to the small details Dumas included, and it has brought back many memories of my high school days. I look forward to getting to the end so I can write a review that I hope will do this masterpiece the justice that it deserves.