October Book Introduction - Ninth House
For October, I thought reading a darker book would be fitting for the season, and when I discovered Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo as an option for my Book of the Month option a few months back, I knew I had found the perfect October book.
The Reasons I Chose this Book: The book cover with the black background and the black snake artwork gives me mysterious vibes just looking at it. Cover art is typically the thing that will initially spark my interest in picking up a book, and the lack of information given by the cover art of this book made it all the more tempting for me.
Another reason I chose this book was for the location in which this story takes place. This is my first fall as a college graduate, and the story's backdrop of the Yale campus made me realize how much I am missing being on a college campus right now. The setting also brings up one of the things I love most about books. A well-written book can transport a reader anywhere in the world, including the iconic campus of a college that I was never going to be able to attend in this life. I look forward to immersing myself back into the college world, without the homework and deadlines.
Lastly, I chose this book because of the mystical elements of this story, particularly the "secret" societies of Yale which play prominent roles in the book. The cloak and dagger nature of the secret societies, and the fact that there is clear magical elements subscribed to the activities of the secret societies made it a fitting choice to read during the Halloween season.
My Predictions for this Book: Murderer, magical, and a girl with a mysterious past makes up for what I predict to be a great read. I have already read a few chapters, as I usually do to make sure that the book I have chosen will fit what I am looking to read this month. From what I have read I expect this to be full of dark twists and turns that may not be for the faint of heart, and I believe that we are going to find out that there is something more sinister than the activities of the secret societies happening at Yale, and that something is coming for our reluctant female protagonist.